This page links to a resource which helps you check you are ready with your presentation
In this post I’m giving you a page from the University of Canberra which has some very helpful advice on getting ready for your presentation. It’s straightforward, clear and simple, and makes very good sense.
When my students are getting ready to give presentations I don’t say ‘good luck’ to them because I don’t think it is a question of luck. It’s a question of preparation. Read the advice from Canberra University here. But don’t just read it once and forget about it! Read it and think about it. Act on it, read it again the following day or a few days later.
If you are a university student then use your teachers and your tutors for help.
Most importantly, check your pronunciation of the key vocabulary in your presentation with a native speaker.
In my experience students don’t make enough use of the support facilities that the universities offer. You are paying good money for your course so make sure that the university supports you – librarians should help you find materials in the library and tutors should be available to help you prepare your presentation.
If you were staying at an expensive hotel wouldn’t you want to use all the facilities – like the swimming pool, the sauna and the private beach? I know I would. But many overseas students have paid for services at university that they never use!