Describing graphs

As we all know, IELTS students often have to describe graphs or tables in part 1 of the IELTS writing test so I am always looking for materials to help students practise these areas of their language. However, it seems that some institutions are starting to restrict access to their materials! I have noticed that some of the links from this site to university materials are now blocked and they are only open to students studying at that particular university. Oh dear! I suppose they are emulating (copying/imitating) Rupert Murdoch who has started to make people pay to read The Times online.

Yes, that’s a pity but I’ve got a handy link for some rather nice language tips on describing graphs. Remember, the language structures that we are interested in are things like:

Nick Clegg’s popularity has dropped significantly in recent months.

Nick Clegg’s credibility has fallen considerably since reneging on his electoral promises.

(Who’s Nick Clegg and why is he so unpopular?)

The language resource comes from Abu Dhabi Women’s College in the United Arab Emitrates – I think! If you try to see the other resources by shortening the url they won’t let you in (rather like Rupert Murdoch!) but you can see this page here on describing graphs by going directly to it – just don’t let them know they have left the back door open!