Plymouth city centre shops score own goal!

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I couldn’t quite believe my ears when I heard a news report on the local radio station that shops in Plymouth wanted to curb the number of foreign students in city centre shops to fight crime. Is this the WELCOME sign that we British want to put out to … Read more

Culture clash or survival skills?

The debate goes on regarding overseas students and plagiarism. Some people blame cultural differences, others say it is a deliberate strategy that students with weak language skills employ to survive in the university environment. Students should know what teachers are saying about them! Read Foreign student rule-breaking: culture clash or survival skills? in Times Higher … Read more

‘How stuff works’ for reading practice!

Students are always asking me how they can improve their reading mark in the IELTS exam. This is a tricky one! The answer is that you need to do a lot of reading in English. But what should you read? I am always on the look out for the kind of articles that appear in … Read more

Change what you read into your own words!

One of the hardest things for students, for British students as well as international students, is changing what you read into your own words. If you can understand WHY this is so important then you are on the road to doing well at university. It’s quite simple: if you don’t use your own words then … Read more