Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody! I wish you all success in your studies in 2011! The start of a new year is the perfect time to start thinking about all the good healthy things you should be doing to improve your life (and you studies!). Here are my suggestions for activities that will help you learn English and get the most out of your stay at university:

DO SOME SPORT AND EXERCISE Go and take a look at the gym at your university – you can usually go to this gym very cheaply if you already a university student. Join a group doing circuit training or go with a friend if you don’t want to go alone. Take a look at the noticeboards at the gym and in the students union – you might find a group of students who play netball, or basketball, or five a side football who you can join with. This would help you meet some British students too and it would be good for your English.
JOIN A UNIVERSITY CLUB OR SOCIETY Again, go to your student union and find a club that you think might interest you and go along. If you don’t want to go on your own, then take a friend.
COOK A MEAL Invite some friends around to your house and give them a taste of your wonderful cooking. You will probably be invited back to their house in return.
MAKE A STUDY GROUP Find some friends who want to study hard and form a study group. You could meet in a student cafe after your lectures to go over the content of the lecture and to check on the key points.
START A HEALTHY DAILY ROUTINE If you stay in bed all day and eat poor food you may well feel lethargic (yes, lazy)! Get up at a decent time, and take a walk or a jog, followed by a decent breakfast.
MAKE THE MOST OF BEING ABROAD Think of the thousands of people who would love to be in your shoes studying abroad and make the most if it! Buy a bike and enjoy the countryside. Read local papers. Get to know your neighbours. Go rambling (walking in the countryside). Get active to get happy!