My Graduation

Hi, my name is Sophie, I have finished my degree in Geography and I graduate today. My ceremony starts at 10am so I’m off now to collect my robes and to meet my family on Plymouth Hoe.
I’ve really enjoyed my time at university and I’ve made the most of everything it has to offer. I’ve been the Social Secretary for the Geography Society, a Geography Course representative and a Student Ambassador for the Royal Geographical Society.
Just going to collect my robes now, just got my tickets so hopefully they’ll have them here.
Robing: Hello
Sophie: Hi, Sophie Neville. Thank you.
Graduation is an important occasion. It’s a culmination of all your hard work during your time at university. It’s a proud day for you, your family and your friends and a chance to celebrate all that you’ve achieved throughout your university career.
Dad: Hello Sophie.
Sophie: Hello.
Dad: I think it’s brilliant, absolutely brilliant, very proud of her. It’s just the culmination of all the years’ effort.
Grandfather: Wonderful
Grandmother: Wonderful, she’s worked hard so it’s nice to see her get her degree.
Ceremony speaker: Ladies & Gentlemen please be seated. It’s a privilege and a great pleasure to welcome you to this ceremony.
Ceremony speaker: David Meeks. (Applause) Sophie Neville. (Applause)
Ceremony speaker: Congratulations Sophie.
Sophie: Thank you.
Family: Cheers Sophie, well done Sophie. Brilliant.
Photographer: Say ‘Champagne’.
Sophie: Champagne.
Friend: We have to get a big bunch of us together and go and chuck our hats in the air.
(Hats thrown, shrieking)
Sophie: I was really nervous before the ceremony but it felt great when my name was called out and I went up to collect my degree.
Student: Really sort of got myself ready for the adult world of work, been really good, great memories.
Student: At first it’s quite, kind of a, bit of a culture shock when I got here. But then I can safely say hand on heart that I grew to love it here. So nice and chilled out and just really laid back.
Sophie: I’m a graduate now. It’ll be really sad to leave university life behind as it’s given me so much but at the same time it’s really exciting to see what the future holds for me.