I am so excited to bring you today’s resource which I am delighted to tell you comes from my own university! I know that one of the biggest problems that international students have in university is that they are not sure what their teachers expect of them. Students are given work to do, but they are not sure what a good essay or a good report looks like. Imagine if you could read essays and reports written by real students, and read the comments that their teachers had made! Well, you can with this resource The Writing for Assignments E-Library from the University of Plymouth. The aim of this resource is to teach students (all students, not just international students) how to write better by showing examples of good academic writing along with comments made by the academic who marked the work. You can search the bank by subject and level and type of assignment. The academic feedback on the writing is detailed and the project designers have categorised students’ writing into a variety of functions for purposes of analysis. This resource is by far the most impressive attempt to provide reviewed examples of academic writing I have ever seen. The resource will be less useful for lower level students, but for more advanced students who are already at university get used to visiting this extraordinary resource here.