
I’ve been experimenting with a great website for preparing and practising presentations. The name of the site is Voicethread and I am really excited about it! At Voicethread it is really easy to record your own presentations online. You can add pictures and other files if you like. It’s a good idea to record your … Read more

Presentations – a checklist

This page links to a resource which helps you check you are ready with your presentation In this post I’m giving you a page from the University of Canberra which has some very helpful advice on getting ready for your presentation. It’s straightforward, clear and simple, and makes very good sense. When my students are … Read more

Introducing your presentation

Introducing your presentation effectively is essential! You only get one chance to make a good start. You can lose your audience very quickly if you are not careful. It is useful to look at a good example. When you watch the introduction I am going to show you I want you to think about how … Read more