Presentation Phrasebook

This week of course the British were celebrating ‘Guy Fawkes Night’ when we set off fireworks and light bonfires to remind ourselves of the ‘Gunpowder Plot’ of 1605. A group of rebels tried to assassinate King James but were found (just in time!) with a lot of gunpowder under the Houses of Parliament getting ready … Read more

Inspiring talks from TED!

When I overheard some people talking about I thought ‘With such a short catchy name it has to be a great website!’ And guess what? It is! This is a quick post (OK, it’s late and I’m tired) but I really wanted to get this site out there, especially for my summer school students … Read more


I’ve been experimenting with a great website for preparing and practising presentations. The name of the site is Voicethread and I am really excited about it! At Voicethread it is really easy to record your own presentations online. You can add pictures and other files if you like. It’s a good idea to record your … Read more